Charlotte County, FL Logo

18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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How To Do Business With Charlotte County

Purchasing Process Overview

  • To enable your firm's placement in our automated Vendor's Listing System, be certain to complete the required two-step process - Vendor Application and Details Sheets.
  • When you are notified and elect to receive a bid package, read all bid documents/requests and follow instructions.
  • Do not alter any bid document(s) or other forms unless required to do so by way of an addendum issued by Charlotte County.
  • Be sure to submit the bid/quote before the date/time specified in the document(s), sign all documents where indicated and initial all approved changes.
  • Firms who submit a bid can obtain bid tabulation and award information under Purchasing Bids Online.
  • Get to know the purchasing needs of Charlotte County by keeping in contact.
  • Follow the "Notice of Availability" for bids, proposals and quotes under the Purchasing Bids Online or in the Purchasing Division office.
  • Maintain a good reputation for service and reliability.
  • Ask questions if you do not understand. DON'T ASSUME

How To Do Business

Thank you for your interest in doing business with Charlotte County. We look forward to doing business with you and are interested in your concerns about the Charlotte County purchasing process. The following information is provided to acquaint vendors with the selling opportunities through the County, describe procedures and requirements for doing business, and promote good purchasing/sales relationships making efficient use of both party’s time. Vendor feedback is valued, feel free to write or call with comments or questions. Contact information can be found on the Purchasing Contacts page.

There are few ways to obtain information on doing business with Charlotte County.

  1. Visit Purchasing Bids Online. You can access a listing of current solicitations available, Bid / Quote / Proposal documents, and various forms. Should you require assistance, please feel free to contact us at 941.743.1378.
  2. Visit our office in person:
    Purchasing Division
    18500 Murdock Circle, Suite 344
    Port Charlotte, FL 33948-1094
  3. Email us at

Product/Services Required

​The County operates buildings, offices, recreational facilities, etc. and requires a long list of products and services. Some of these services range from minor/major construction projects to hazardous waste removal. Products can range from office furniture to vehicles, and everything in between. It is important to keep informed of our requirements.

General Information

Purchase Levels - The County buys at three (3) different levels:

  • First level is anything of value less than $10,000 of which the requesting department has the responsibility and the authority to select the vendor and obtain pricing information.
  • Second level is anything of value between $10,000 up to $50,000; a Request for Quotation is issued to three (3) or more vendors. The vendor exhibiting the best price, delivery, and/or additional criteria is awarded the order.
  • Third level is for products or services valued at more than $50,000, official sealed bids are solicited and electronically posted on the County's website for at least ten (10) days before the dates set for receipt of bids, proposals or replies unless the Purchasing Division determines in writing that a shorter period of time is necessary to avoid harming the interest of the County. In the case of a construction project, projected to cost more than $200,000, a notice shall be publicly advertised at least once in a newspaper of general circulation. Bids are due at a specified time and place, and the bid opening is public. The majority of Charlotte County Purchasing Bid Openings are held at 2:00 pm on Wednesday of each week in the Purchasing Division’s Conference Room.

Bidders and the public are encouraged to attend bid openings and may examine the bid documents after all bids have been opened in accordance with Florida Statutes -Section 119.07, "Inspection and Examination of Records - Exemptions". Within a reasonable time following the bid opening, the bids shall be tabulated and the results presented to the department or division that requested the bid for their recommendation of award. When the Purchasing Division receives this recommendation, Purchasing initiates an award memo along with a recommendation and presents it to the County Administrator or the Board of County Commissioners for consideration, depending upon the approval dollar limit. Bid information will not be divulged over the telephone.

Tabulation results are posted in accordance with Florida Statues, Section 119.071(1)(b)2: Sealed bids, proposals, or replies received by an agency pursuant to a competitive solicitation are exempt from 119.071(1)(b)2 and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, except as provided by Florida Statutes 255.0518, until such time as the agency provides notice of an intended decision or until 30 days after opening the bids, proposals, or final replies, whichever is earlier. Upon release of the intended decision, results may be obtained by viewing the tabulation sheets, which are available under the Purchasing Bids Online.

Award Policy - An award will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder/vendor. The factors used to determine whether a bidder/vendor is complying will be incorporated into the request for bid/quote. Those factors may include, but not be limited to, specifications, price, responsibility, qualifications, and capabilities of respondent, availability of funds, and time of delivery of product(s)/service(s).

Prompt Payment - After delivery of product(s)/service(s), the vendor submits invoice(s) for payment to the Charlotte County Purchasing Division. Payment(s) can be expedited by preparing in accordance with instructions given, and will be made in accordance with Sections 218.70 through 218.80 Florida Statutes,Local Government Prompt Payment Act

Vendor List/Application

A list of vendors, categorized by products and/or services, is maintained for the purpose of solicitation of bids and/or requests for quotation.

To apply, a vendor must complete the vendor application process on-line accessible from the following link: Vendor Application.

  • The first step is to complete a Vendor Application - Please fill out the application completely, providing general vendor information, address, license information, ID and signature.
  • The second step is completion of Commodity/Service Codes choosing the commodity/service codes (NIGP Codes) which detail more specifically those areas that identify the type of products or services your company can offer.
  • Upon completion of your on-line application, your firm will be placed in our Vendor's Listing System.
  • When the County has a requirement for a specific item, a notice or request for quotation/bid will be sent to those vendors appearing on that specific commodity/service code listing.
  • Responding to every notice or request is important in order to remain on the vendor's list. Responses of "no bid" or "not able to quote" are acceptable and tells the Purchasing Division that the vendor, although unable to participate at this time, does wish to remain on the list.

If you are unable to locate the commodity/service code that you feel your firm can furnish, please feel free to contact us at 941.743.1370.

Also, if at any time your office relocates or you need to update the general vendor information that we have on file, please complete the vendor change form on-line at the following link: Vendor Application Update.

Please contact us at 941.743.1378 should you wish to schedule an appointment with one of our Contract Specialists to discuss your firm and Charlotte County's procurement requirements.

Objectives of Government Procurement

  • To purchase goods and services at the lowest total cost consistent with needs, using specifications that will attract wide competition, as appropriate.
  • To maintain required quality standards.
  • To promote standardization and simplification of specifications.
  • To minimize inventory accumulations and the attendant carrying costs.
  • To assure a continuing supply of materials.
  • To support the functions of the various departments and activities of the government.
  • To administer the procurement process in an open, competitive, fair manner, and without conflict of interest, or other impropriety, or the appearance of impropriety.

Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises

Charlotte County does not discriminate on any basis within its procurement and contracting process, and encourages the participation of minority- and women-owned business enterprises (collectively, “MBEs”). Within the limits of the Federal Constitution, the County will consider the firm’s status as an MBE or a certified MBE, and also the status of any sub-contractors or sub-consultants proposed to be utilized by the firm, within the evaluation process. Interested MBEs and certified MBEs are encouraged to respond.

Delivering Exceptional Service

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